Busy at Fast Pitch!

Busy at Fast Pitch!

Our Executive Director was busy this year participating in the Winnipeg Foundation’s first ever Fast Pitch Competition from January-April 2016. The Fast Pitch Competition gave Executive Directors, from small charities within Manitoba, the opportunity to work with industry professionals to learn how to promote their charity to raise money. Executive Directors from across Manitoba learned how to create pitches to share success stories and testimonials from their charity and to ask for a donation.

Participants only had 3 minutes to make their pitch! Ten Charities made it to the finals. Although Urban Stable did not make it to the finals, all charities were awarded a small grant of $500 towards each of our pitches. Thank you to The Winnipeg Foundation and to the two coaches that assisted Wendy through this incredible journey- Dave Elrick and Daniel Yurkiw. Our executive Director shares   …  “ It truly is an amazing experience for all that are given the opportunity to participate. It has provided benefits to me and our organization that I expect to see continue to grow each year as we are able to tap into all the tools and skills it has helped us to develop. “