Breed: Tennessee Walker
Born: 2001
Gender: Mare
Colour: Black
Height: 14.1hh
Nicknames: China-bell, China-doll
Resume: trail rides, lessons, ranch work, moving cattle
China loves attention and tail scratches. She doesn’t believe in dawdling, is the first to meet you in the pasture, and she loves to be on the go. As a Tennesee Walker she is gaited, which means she doesn’t just have the usual horse gaits of walk, trot, canter and gallop; she also has a flat walk and a running walk which are smooth and rhythmical – like riding a wave. China loves playing games, especially team penning, where her skills at herding cattle come in handy.
China is great at teaching students about relationships and how to be a good friend. She loves building friendships and isn’t shy about telling you that she believes a good friend is generous with giving tail scratches.