Double Your Impact This Giving Tuesday

Kids and horse - Giving Tuesday 2020

Don’t miss your chance to double your impact this GivingTuesday! Your donation to Urban Stable today, Dec. 1st, will go twice as far thanks to an anonymous donor who will match all donations given to Urban Stable on GivingTuesday up to $5000! 

GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that happens every year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s a day for Canadians, charities, and businesses to come together to “do good stuff” and celebrate the joy of giving.  GivingTuesday marks the kick off of our Light Up A Life holiday campaign. More beautiful than the holiday lights is a life that has been lit up.

Help kick off our Light Up A Life campaign by spreading the word about Urban Stable, celebrating all the ways that people “do good stuff”, and engaging with your community. No GivingTuesday act is too small and each one is important. 

Here are some ideas of ways you can get involved:

  • Donate to Urban Stablegive financially and help more youth unbridle their potential. Not only will you double your impact today, CanadaHelps is also donating $2 for every $20  donated on GivingTuesday! Or if you want to support us by matching donations throughout December contact

  • Spread the word – tell your friends, family, and co-workers about the lives being changed at Urban Stable 

  • Like and Share our Stories on Social MediaFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter

  • Share our Newsletter – send our newsletters with our inspiring stories of hope to others. Not subscribed to our newsletter yet? Click the subscribe button at the top of the page

  • Pledge your time – give your time to help spread the word about Urban Stable, create a fundraiser for Urban Stable, or volunteer your talents

We hope you share in the excitement of #GivingTuesdayCA and take part!