
Program Volunteers

At Urban Stable we empower our students to become independent leaders with their horse. In order to safely facilitate this growth to independent leadership, students in our program are assigned a volunteer Horse Handler and/or a Youth Assistant to work one-on-one with a student and horse pair to help students maintain safe practices around their horse.

Horse Handlers Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • Lead the horse while student is mounted and learns to ride
  • Maintain safe practices around the horses
  • 18+ years
  • Horse experience required
  • Desire to help youth grow and develop
  • Able to commit to volunteering at one class weekly over the course of 10 weeks in the fall, and/or 14 weeks in winter/spring
  • Able to attend volunteer training and follow CanTRA safety guidelines
  • Able to transport self to program facility
  • Complete a Volunteer Application, Abuse Registry Check and Police Record Check – Vulnerable Sector

Program Volunteer Photographer

Use your creative skills to capture the “magic” and celebrate our student success stories during program and at fundraising events.

Volunteer Photographer Requirements:

  • Experience taking, editing, sharing and uploading photos preferred
  • Available during the day on a weekday (Tues., Wed. or Thurs.) during program (October-June) and occasional weekend/evening for fundraising events
  • Able to transport self to program (located 15 minutes North of the perimeter)
  • Able to attend Volunteer Orientation (September)
  • Volunteer hours: 1.5-2 hours per class a week during program times (10 weeks Oct.-Dec. & 14 weeks Feb.-June). Plus 2-4 hours during fundraising events as needed

If you are interested in volunteering as a Horse Handler or Photographer please email info@urbanstable.ca for a volunteer application.

Board Member Volunteer


Do you have a passion to make a difference? Want to make an impact in the lives of youth in your community? Do you have an engaging personality and are not afraid to dive in and do tasks? Then our Board of Directors is looking for you!

The Urban Stable Board of Directors is an engaged, working and dynamic board that takes action. We have an amazing team of board members and we look for like-minded people to join the team. As a Volunteer Board Member, you will help steer our charity forward, effectively planning for Urban Stable’s future, sustainability and success.

Board Member Responsibilities

  • Unique skills preferred – Fundraising & Event Planning, Website Design & Marketing, Human Resources and Policies, Finance, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Prepared to do tasks and work on projects
  • Be an ambassador for Urban Stable
  • Participate at fundraising, awareness, and celebratory events
  • Attend board meetings every two months (September –June)
  • Attend and contribute to planning, development, and event meetings
  • Able to attend interview, orientation, and training session for a particular role on the board
  • Commit to a 2-year term

To learn more about applying as a Board Member email: board@urbanstable.ca

Event Volunteer


We cannot change lives without our volunteers, especially at our fundraising events. As an event volunteer you can sign up to help at certain special events and fundraisers or you can join our fundraising and events committee to help organise the annual fundraising activities. We have opportunities to volunteer at various fundraising events throughout the year such as the annual Bud & Spud Fundraiser, Paint Parties, and the Golf Tournament.

Event Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • Make short term, single event commitments or commit to a 2-year term on the event committee
  • Event volunteers are provided with an orientation to their particular role
  • Event committee meetings are set individually based on what is needed for that specific fundraiser and/or special event

If you are interested in being an Event Volunteer or sitting a term on the events committee contact us via email at: info@urbanstable.ca

Thanks to the support of our volunteers and donations, this is how students have responded to our programs…

“I have always wished to ride or own a horse and this program is making a wish come true and is teaching me how much work a horse needs. I learned that I like taking a challenge. My Horse taught me that I do have knowledge in my head, I just need to try hard to bring it out.” Student Age 10

“I think the program is awesome. I learned that I am a good leader. I can do anything I put myself to if I try. My horse taught me to be confident.” Student age 11