When working with a large animal, like a horse at Urban Stable, students can quickly learn what it means to be assertive and how to effectively communicate.
One of our students, Aster*, struggled with taking initiative. When she began at Urban Stable she was very passive and found it easy to let the volunteers do the work.
During one of Aster’s riding sessions the group discussed how Aster and the other students are leaders to their horses when they are riding. They learned that to be a good leader they need to make a plan and then communicate that plan clearly to their teammates, including in this case, their horse.
This was an ah-ha moment for Aster and after this she began to take initiative while in the saddle. Slowly but surely, she started creating clear plans and communicating her plans to her horse.
Aster was developing her skills as a leader, skills that will stay with her long after her time in the Urban Stable program.
“I learned that I could be a good leader.” Aster said when reflecting on her time with Urban Stable.
This June, support Urban Stable so more students like Aster can become assertive leaders in our community.
*Name and photo changed for privacy