How long have you volunteered for Urban Stable?
6 months.
What do you like about volunteering with Urban Stable?
I love the atmosphere! The youth and the staff are a wonderful bunch of people to work with – everyone is welcoming, open, and warm. I appreciate having the opportunity to meet so many new people in such a supportive environment. It’s always a good time!
I also really like watching the process of relationship and skill building that happens as the students engage with the horses. The program participants are always so brave and willing to try new things, and working with horses really provides them a unique chance to do exactly that. They continually impress me with their confidence!
What is your favorite Urban Stable memory?
I’m not sure I can pick just one! I think the moments I love the most are the quiet exchanges between the youth and horses – whether it’s a pat from the rider after a great display of teamwork, or a smile or laugh when their horse is acting extra affectionate or curious… or whatever else that might look like… It’s so lovely to witness this ease that develops between the students and the horses they are partnered with, because I know many of them start the program with some nerves!