You have all been so amazing in your support as we search for a new home. Over the last year we have had many helpful conversations, visited wonderful barn and arena facilities in the Winnipeg area, met incredible people and made important connections. We have learned a lot, built relationships and clarified many questions as we looked for our new home.
The search for our new home has yielded all these amazing opportunities, experiences, relationships and connections. We continue to move forward with our dream of a permanent home for Urban Stable and we have gained a lot of knowledge of what this dream will require, what it will look like and are working on our plans to make this dream a reality.
While the search for our permanent home continues we are so thankful that our current home at Camp Assiniboia has extended our lease for one more program year. We are grateful for the strong and supportive relationship we have built with Camp Assiniboia and the opportunity to continue our partnership.
Stay tuned for more news on our future home as we blaze the trail ahead.