Explore Urban Stable is a limited time (April – August 2024) subsidized opportunity, thanks to The Winnipeg Foundation, enabling us to reach out and connect with more youth serving organizations. Learn how we can work together to drive positive change for youth in our community by connecting them with the life-changing impact of learning from our horses. Students will participate in hands-on learning activities with our horses, gain emotional and mental well-being, and enjoy spending time in nature in this special discounted 1.5 hour field trip experience.
Urban Stable empowers youth to overcome challenges and positively engage in their education and community through hands-on learning experiences with horses. We know the need to support youth in our community is huge and we want to collaborate with other school and youth-serving organizations, like yours, to support youth to grow and find personal success.
Our commitment is to make our programs accessible to all by offering them at little to no cost to our students and their families. Partnering with schools and youth-serving organizations, Urban Stable shares the cost of programming. Urban Stable program partners pay 30% of the cost per student and Urban Stable fundraises, applies for grants, and relies on private donations to cover the remaining 70% of the cost. Explore Urban Stable is an opportunity for you to learn more about connecting your youth to our horses for a further discounted fee.
Join our current amazing school and youth-serving community partners to support youth-in-need to attend our life-changing programs and learn how to become a program partner today. As part of this Explore Urban Stable opportunity, we would like to learn more about your organization, the youth you work with, and how we can collaborate, including any barriers there might be in developing a relationship together to unbridle youth potential.
Urban Stable is an accredited Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association Centre and adheres to safety protocols set out by Manitoba Physical Activity Safety in Schools (MPASS).
For more information please complete this form and we’ll connect with you in 2-3 business days.