Rufus – Horse of the Year!

When we went to the office last week and picked up the mail we saw to our surprise that Rufus had received a letter! As Rufus has difficulty opening his own mail (lacking the opposable thumbs…and fingers…) we opened it for him and it read as follows:

Dear Rufus,

Congratulations on your nomination and being awarded the 2018 Manitoba Horse Council Award for non-competitive Horse. Yours is a worthwhile and rewarding job, which carries a heavy responsibility. We are very pleased that the nominators brought forward your name and we hope they will be present to pick up the award on your behalf; but the elevator at Sport Manitoba, is not big enough for you to accept the award “in person”.

We hope you continue, for some years yet, to support and help your human charges. We will see to it that you get extra carrots on the house.


MHC Awards Committee

We are very proud of Rufus and he is so deserving of this award! He has made an enormous, positive impact in so many lives over his years working with youth. He is the most generous, patient and forgiving creature we know. Way to go Rufus!