Urban Stable On The Move

New Home

Urban Stable needs to find a new home where we can open our doors to more youth and help them develop critical life skills through our equine experiential learning program. Although we dream of owning our own horse barn and riding arena in a few years, we are currently looking for a new home to lease or lease-to-own where we can get our boots dirty.

What we are looking for:

  • Southwest Corner of Winnipeg – A place not further than 15mins. from the perimeter
  • Room for 6-10 Horses – Outdoor living/board for the horses to stretch their legs
  • Lease to Start June 2021 – We need to move from our current location by June 2021 (ideal timing, with some flexibility if needed)
  • Barn and Indoor Arena – Private use of barn and indoor arena. We run programs 5 full days a week (daytime hours)
  • Access to Summer Pasture – Summer pasture would be ideal for our horses to graze and run free

We are interested in hearing about both leasing and lease-to-own opportunities. If you or anyone you know has a property that might suit our needs, please contact us and we can explore together if a leasing arrangement could benefit both parties. Contact hayley@urbanstable.ca or 204-410-4995 ext. 1 and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days.