We have just completed a three year multi-year grant from The Winnipeg Foundation that has seen us through difficult times while also allowing us to stretch our wings and grow, to build our capacity so we can serve more youth.
Without The Winnipeg Foundation’s ongoing funding and partnership through this multi-year grant and many other grants over the years it’s hard to know where Urban Stable would be; for example, the Sustainability Grant from The Winnipeg Foundation we received in the summer allowed us to survive through the initial challenges of the pandemic into our 20th year of service.
Urban Stable started in 2001 with only 2 students, and without the constant and encouraging support of partners like the Winnipeg Foundation, we could not have grown to where we are now – serving 55+ youth each year and planning for more growth in the near future.
Thank you to The Winnipeg Foundation for your funding, support, and confidence in our programs and organization. Thank you for offering creative and meaningful opportunities for Urban Stable to flourish over the years and into the future.